After a medical diagnosis, most patients look for alternative treatments or therapy. But for other people looking at their growing old skin and body (especially for a woman), it would be disturbing and alarming seeing wrinkles on their face or their sagging skin. There are lot of beauty salons offering various beauty treatments that could be gross, wacky, scary and creating goose bumps skin treatment for other people. The term SPA or balneotherapy (spa town or bathing place), is related with water treatment.
1) Cupping and Fire Cupping Therapy
Cupping therapy used by ancient Chinese to detoxify and treat common colds, bronchitis and pneumonia and also treat the back, neck shoulder and other muscle aches.It involves cups made of plastic, glass or bamboo and create a vacuum on the patient’s skin.
2) LED Red Light Treatment
Red light therapy can treat many kind of diseases, such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, neonatal jaundice, wounds, sleep disorders and psychiatric disorders.
3) Mud-Bath Treatment
Mud bath therapy is a treatment for muscle aches, arthritis, rheumatism, detoxify your body and enhance your skin.
4) Bee Treatment
Bee Propolis is produced by bees to protect their beehives, a sticky wax-like substance, gathered from different flower nectar. The bee propolis are used in dermatology purposes such as skin regeneration, skin ulcers, open wounds and lesions, enhance immunity and protect the liver too.
Bee-sting Venom Therapy
The bee sting therapy used for treating M.S., arthritis, rheumatism, phlebitis (inflammation of veins, usually in the legs and arms and thrombosis or blood clots.
5) Cracked-heel Treatments
Heel fissures or commonly known as cracked heels or callus heel, are cause by xerosis or dry skin, which is a common problem, specially women who wears ‘open sandals”. The severe cracked-heels are painful. Some treatment used are oil with moisturizing cream and rub with pumice stone to remove the “dead skin”. Some soak their feet in water with oatmeal to soften the callus.
6) Dead Skin Treatment or Fish Treatment
Live fish therapy is now popular among SPA centers, where the clients usually soak their feet in a pool full of small fish, or even sit underwater so every dead skin in your body will be “clean up”. Then you can feel the nibbling and sucking fish in your flesh.
7) Hot Stone Therapy
The stone massage therapy is used by professional therapist, where they perform a massage to your body and plcae the hot smooth and flat stones on key points of your body. Some therapist used volcanic rock.
Slow Life Treatments
The Six Sense Slow Life Treatment is a soothing massage techniques to reduce the cellulite appearance, relive muscle aches, back pains, muscle cramps, and treat nervous systems. It also helps obesity problem, slow bowel movement and patients with prostate cancer.
Shirodhara Ayurveda Oil Therapy
The Shirodhara treatment is a kind of Ayurveda medicine performed by pouring gently on the client’s forehead (called the “third eye) with liquid or oil. These kind of is beneficial for people with stress, migraine, falling hair and many more cases related to hair problem. Also beneficial for people with paralysis, in comma and balancing the hormones.
Udvartana Body Scrub and Massage
9) Leech Treatment
This blood-sucking leech are now used to help patients with skin diseases, eye disease, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, diabetes, migraines, and many more.
10) Snake Massage Therapy
11) Nightingale Poop Facial Treatment or Geisha treatment
The bird’s poops is now a popular facial treatment not only in Japan (they call it Geisha facial treatment), but now very popular in many parts of the world.
12) Snail Facial Treatment
13) Tomato Facial Treatment
The tomato and lime, prevents blackheads and beneficial for oily skin. It also cure acne, and creates a smooth, soothing and clean face after using tomato extracts.
Cucumber Eye bags treatment
Cucumber treats eye bags and dark circled eyes.
Avocado Facial Treatment
Green Tea Treatment for Acne
14) Red Wine Treatment
Beer Bath Therapy
15) Milk Bath Therapy
16) Seaweed Treatment
17) Bull Semen Hair Treatment
Head Lice Treatment
Head lice infestations are very disturbing especially on children, when they begin to scratch their scalps, and create wounds and if not attended head lice will continue to multiply and cause wound infection on scalp. I found these “remedies” by moms who tried the treatment. When you apply Listerine mouthwash on the head, leave it for two hours , wrap with towel and rinse and comb the hair. Same procedure with the olive oil and mayonnaise. Mayonnaise when massage on the scalp it eliminates dandruff and make your hair healthy.
18) 24-K Gold Facial Treatment
19) Chocolate Facial Treatment
20) Vampire Face Lift
Vampire face lift procedure is extracting the patient’s blood and inject on facial parts as botox treatment, eleminating wrinkles and make the skin younger looking.
Images and Sources Credit:
Image by:Ilya Natmushin